Our services
We support businesses with targeted services, tailored to national and international development plans. Depending on the client’s specific requirements, we select the best funding opportunities at a global, national and regional level and help manage the project once it’s funded.
We make our best competences and expertise available to clients to help them achieve their goals effectively and competitively, based on clear and simple solutions tailored to meet their needs.
Call search
We search public funding to find the perfect match that fulfills each client’s business development strategies.
Project writing and application filing
We draw up the project and do all the preliminary work to put together the documents required to be submitted for the call.
Activity implementation
We help our clients implement promotional activities in international markets through SG Marketing Agroalimentare, a company specializing in marketing services for the food and beverage industry.
We will be your interface with Institutions
We interact with the relevant Institutions (European Commission, Ministries, Regional Authorities) on a regular basis across all project phases to ensure that the funds are awarded.
Management and reporting
We take care of the admin management of funded projects by assisting clients throughout the project. We monitor the approved budget on a regular basis and verify the eligibility of expenses borne by beneficiaries.
Follow-up and ex-post evaluation
We follow-up the project’s closing and assist clients in the post-reporting assessment phase.

National and international development plans, based on the specific requirements of clients
Check out the main public funding measures
Funding opportunities

Promotion according to EU Reg. 1144/2014 AGRIPROMOTION

CMO Wine – Promotion measure

SIMEST - Financing for the internationalization of businesses

RDPs - Rural Development Programmes
Sustainable Innovation

Horizon Europe

NRRP – National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Sustainability Certifications
Promotion according to EU Reg. UE 1144/2014
This Regulation lays down the conditions for information provision and promotion actions concerning European products carried out in the internal market and in third countries. It is funded directly by the EU. An invitation is published every year, which gives specific indications and deadlines in relation to funding applications.
Who is eligible for funding:
- Professional or interprofessional organizations representing the sector(s) concerned and protection and value-enhancement consortia;
- Professional or interprofessional organizations that are representative across the Union;
- Producers’ organizations or associations of producers’ organizations;
- Bodies of the agri-food sector to which the Member State concerned has given public service powers.
Main eligible activities
- Participation in industry events and trade fairs
- Campaigns to provide information in retail stores and in the HoReCa channel
- Organization of guided tastings, workshops, B2B meetings
- Trade Incoming in production territories
- Adv campaigns, websites, social media
- Information materials
CMO Wine – Promotional measure
Funding for wine growers and producers for the promotion of European wine in third countries.
Funded by the Ministry for Agricultural policies and by the Councilors for agriculture of the individual Autonomous Regions and Provinces.
Who is eligible for funding:
- Individual businesses
- Consortia
- Associations
- Cooperatives
- Unions
Main eligible activities:
- Participation in industry events and trade fairs
- Campaigns to provide information in retail stores and in the HoReCa channel
- Organization of guided tastings, workshops, B2B meetings
- Trade Incoming in production territories
- Adv campaigns, websites, social media
- Information materials
- Marketing consultancy, product tests, focus groups, test panels, PR
SIMEST – Financing for the internationalization of businesses
SIMEST is a company of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) Group that operates with EU funds to support Italian businesses in the internationalization of their activities, all along the process, from the initial evaluation of opening up to a new market through to expansion with direct investments.
The SMEs that export goods and provide services abroad are ranked at the top of the eligibility list.
Main eligible activities:
Easy-terms loans to cover the expenses of: feasibility studies, participation in trade fairs, exhibitions and business missions, opening the first sales facilities abroad, on-site personnel training, exploiting e-commerce, temporary retention of an export manager and capital support for your company.
RDPs – Rural Development Programmes
The approval of Reg. 2020/2220, so-called “transitional regulation”, on December 23, 2020, extended the applicability of the 2014-2020 RDPs to 2021-2022 in view of starting the 2021-2027 rural development program.
The 2021-2022 rural development policies can use the ordinary RDP funds under the 2021-2027 EAFRD budget and extra funds from the “Next Generation Eu” recovery instrument.
The Next Generation EU recovery instrument is meant to bring about structural changes in rural areas, in line with the European Green Deal, in order to achieve the ambitious climate and environment goals of the Biodiversity Strategy and the Farm-to-Fork Strategy. NGEU funds can be used subject to no co-financing obligation.
Each Member State can opt to implement one or more RDPs, entrusting Regions with formulation and management.
Main eligible activities:
- Quality regimes of agricultural and food products
- Investments in tangible assets
- Investimenti in immobilizzazioni materiali
- Restoration of the agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and catastrophic events and taking adequate prevention measures
- Development of farms and businesses
- Establishment of associations and organizations of producers
- Agri-climate-environment payments
- Organic farming
- Animal welfare
- Harvest, animal and plants insurance
- Mutualization funds for adverse climate events, epizootic and plant diseases, parasite infestations and environmental emergencies
- Income stabilization .
In this area, Sg Project supports businesses to achieve the first goal (“Knowledge transfer and information provision actions”).
Horizon Europe
The 2021-2027 budget amounts to € 95.5 billion (including € 5.4 billion for the Next Generation EU recovery plan).
Horizon Europe funds Research and Innovation Activities (RIA), Coordination and Support Activities (CSA) or Innovation Activities (IA) and is implemented directly by the European Commission.
The program rests on three pillars and a cross-cutting part (Part IV):
Pillar I, “Excellent Science”, promotes scientific excellence, attracts the best talents to Europe (European Research Council), provides adequate support to researchers at the beginning of their career (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) and supports the dissemination of knowledge, methodologies, competences and technologies.
Pillar II, “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness”, is comprised of six clusters to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry.
The six clusters cover the following themes: Health (1), Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society (2), Civil Security (3), Digital, Industry and Space (4), Climate, Energy and Mobility (5), Food, Bio-economy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (6).
Pillar III, “Innovative Europe”, promotes all forms of innovation, above all inside the SMEs, facilitating technological development, knowledge demonstration and transfer and the spreading of innovative solutions.
The fourth Part, “Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area”, aims to support a wider participation in the program by countries lagging behind in R&I and bolster national policy reform in order to strengthen the European research Space.
The program is based on a transnational collaboration approach. The following are eligible for funding: legal entities of the EU and associated countries established in the form of a consortium comprised of at least 3 independent entities based in 3 different member or associated states (with at least one based in a member state).
Within the framework of Horizon Europe, Sg Project supports businesses for all investments in research and innovation activities in line with the Farm-to-Fork strategy, related to the agri-food industry and the environment as a whole. For this reason, great emphasis is placed on Custer VI of Pillar II (Food, Bio-economy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment).
NRRP – National Recovery and Resilience Plan, supply chain and district contracts
Under the NRRP, the agricultural sector aims to boost the competitiveness of the food system, incentivizing the production of energy from renewable sources, supporting actions intended to curb emissions and enhance the sustainability of production processes in view of better adaptation to climate change and to prevent hydrogeological disturbance.
The plan provides for a total of 6.8 billion to fund projects for the development of logistics, the Agrisolar farm, the modernization of agricultural machines, Supply Chain and District Contracts, the development of biogas and biomethane, reservoirs and the irrigation system.
Supply Chain and District contracts promote private investment programs for the ecological and circular economy transition of businesses, the growth of employment and of the innovation rate.
Establishment and strengthening of supply chain and district contracts to achieve the following goals:
- in the agri-food sector: curb the environmental impact of food production and processing and of retail trade;
- in the fishing and aquiculture sectors: encourage ecological sustainability through incentives for “blue growth”;
- in the forestry sector: promote an efficient use of forestry resources by enhancing the value of business aggregation and association, agreements and business networks;
- in the flower gardening sector: increase the production of native and certified trees and forests and replace obsolete and energy-inefficient greenhouses.
Main eligible actions: investments for primary production, for the processing and marketing of agricultural products, for the promotion and advertisement of certified-quality products or organic products, research and testing.
Facilities are provided in the form of capital contributions and easy-terms financing.
Sustainability certifications
Sg Project assists businesses in the implementation of the sustainability certification of fruits and vegetables products with the goal of spreading a cross-cutting sustainability standard for all of the fruits and vegetables products supply chain.
The overarching goal is to increase the added value of fruits and vegetables products, enhancing their connection with the territory and the sustainability of processes, through widespread use of an integrated protocol of environmental, social and economic traceability and sustainability.
These certifications address single-proprietorship farms, farming businesses organized as a supply chain under a leader (supply chain leader), storage and packaging centers, businesses that purchase certified raw materials and certified semi-finished or finished products.
Contact us to know more
We can select the best European, national and regional funding opportunities and assist you in managing the funded project.